EG 427
Taking advantage of Herpes Simplex Virus 1 (HSV-1) natural lifelong latency in peripheral neurons, EG 427 ensures with its highly selective non-replicative vector platform, a durable expression of large transgenes to treat, in the long run, patients with severe, chronic, and localized diseases, starting with peripheral nervous system disorders. With their high cell-specificity and large payload capacity allowing to incorporate complex regulation elements, non-replicative HSV-1-based vectors provide the opportunity to safely deliver drugs to treat diseases of the peripheral nervous system, using a wide range of mechanism of actions. Neurogenic bladder is one such disease for which EG 427 has developed an HSV-1-based gene therapy vector inhibiting an aberrant neurotransmission signal. From this versatile platform, many other genetic or acquired indications can be addressed with various therapeutic strategies, including multiple forms of neuropathy. |