The Focused Ultrasound Foundation is working to provide patients with this noninvasive, life-changing treatment option in the shortest time possible.

Based in Charlottesville, Virginia, the Foundation is a tax-exempt, high-performance, entrepreneurial service organization with a global reach. We seek to leverage our trusted third party position through contributing financial and human resources to foster collaboration, to build knowledge and to streamline the process and overcome barriers.

The Foundation is on the leading edge of the venture philanthropy and social entrepreneurship movements and has become a model of how donor funding can be used to bridge the gap between laboratory research and widespread patient treatment.

Our vision is that focused ultrasound will be used worldwide to improve the quality of life and longevity of millions of patients with serious medical conditions in the shortest time possible. In that aim, the Foundation’s mission is to accelerate the development of new applications of focused ultrasound and its widespread adoption as a standard of care.

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